At clockwork - apple I made props for magazine ads and articles. It was a fast paced high stress environment but loved it. The work helped me hone my skills as a model/prop and prototype builder. It also taught me how to think about how to construct things from the ground up for these kinds of projects, and that literally any material can be used to create models/props.

Big Apple Golf

A small sculpture for a company in NYC called Big Apple Golf. I created the apple in solidworks and had it 3d printed. I then sanded it for 4,394 hours to tune all the lines from rapid prototyping away….i hate that about 3d prints, they look lke crap unless you spend infinite hours tuning them. In the end it is definitely faster to 3d print something like this.

Gold Burger

I created this for Clockworks - Apple and it was featured in Men’s Vogue. I machined most of the parts out of brass - Pickles, Burger, Bun (I drilled small holes and inserted brass nails that had heads the shape of sesame seeds that I shaped with a file.). The lettuce and cheeses were copper sheeting bent or crinkled. Every piece was gold plated then bolted together from the bottom.

Random Blue Guy

This little blue guy is a mystery….I don’t recall what it was for. It was built using plastic balls cut in half and arms that were 3d printed then all were covered in fur.

N Bots

Created for the New Now Next networks for an awards ceremony. I built all parts in Solidworks and then cast them after 3d printing and tuning. i think we made 75 total.


Coffee Table

