Black Pine Design is Barrett Rogers.

Barrett Rogers hails from Mattapoisett, MA, USA. His childhood was spent building forts, drawing, and taking apart electronics. His future in art & design was clandestine. After graduating from a tumultuous high school career he set out for Colorado...the journey may not have ended there, but it came full circle.

Hopping from painting to sculpture to interior architecture majors, it took Barrett about 7 years of different colleges before landing, finally, at Pratt Institute - Majoring in and eventually graduating for Industrial Design. The first seven years of college were not wasted in the least and led to the eventual conclusion of industrial design. He was, however, not destined to do one thing and one thing only. Dipping his hands into everything has helped keep an even balance of inspiration and drive to create. For the time being Barrett is based in Colorado as the Art Director, Designer, and Photographer for Olio Extracts, a pioneer in the cannabis industry and always evolving. On the side of this he spends his time designing furniture, toys, packaging and other things for life.